Pretty Little Mockup is a mockup subscription that offers online shop owners the ability to have access to trendy, realistic and easy-to-use mockups so they can stop worrying about taking their own product photos & focus on building their business.
New mock ups are added to the library every 1st & 8th & 15th of the month.
2,200 +
Number of high quality mock ups available for download.
Of members elevating their shops as you read this.
Get ready to start bingeing our library ...
it's going to be your new obsession.
Meet Andrea, Founder
of Pretty Little Mockup
A self taught photographer, Andrea founded Pretty Little Mockup in 2019 out of a need for model mockups for her own t-shirt business.
Shortly after she started her mockup business on Etsy, she recognized that model mockups played a very important role to other shops as well but started to notice how expensive it was to constantly buy mockups individually, so she create the Pretty Little Mockup membership to help alleviate some costs for new & seasoned shop owners.
Her day-to-day is a balance between focusing on building a successful business, being a wife and a good dog mom to her pup, Sadie. She runs PLM managing all the marketing, runs the day to day of owning a business and comes up with new collections to keep her members happy.